How Do I...?

How do I join a group? 

Talk to the Student Leaders and Moderators. Each group is different! 

The "Club & Org Details" tab located at the top of this page will provide specific information about each group.  Please read or watch each group's information to learn more.   Student Leaders and Moderators are great resources for students as they ask questions, consider options, and talk through what it means to commit to a club, organization, or co-curricular opportunity here at SUA.  

How do I get more help?

If you have a specific question or would like more detailed information about a group, you may reach out to the Club or Organization Moderator (emails can be found here).  The Moderators will be happy to connect with you and may redirect you to Student Leaders for additional perspective and guidance.  

You may also talk with your SUA School Counselor or Ms. Hammond to learn more about getting involved or finding your passion here at SUA. 

How do I know when the groups meet?

Check the "Meeting Schedule" tab at the top of this page. Clubs and organizations are assigned a specific meeting time OR are meeting on a special schedule.  Meetings are grouped into time slots labelled Club 1, Club 2, Club 3, Club 4, Club A, or Club B. Students are encouraged to ask the adult Moderator or Student Leaders for specific information related to their group.

How do I decide which groups to join?

Students are encouraged to make a commitment to at least one club or organization, or co-curricular opportunity, each year. That said, students will only be permitted to join one club or organization per meeting time slot (Club 1, Club 2, Club 3, Club 4, Club A, or Club B). Quality of experience, rather than quantity of groups joined, is important. Student Leaders and Moderators will talk with potential members about what level of commitment is required to join their group.