TK - Art

Supply List

The following supplies are things that we regularly use in the art room. If you bought these supplies from your grade supply list, there is no need to buy more.

I have linked each item below to the Blick Art Materials website. Please scroll down to see the images below, if the links do not work. Do not feel pressured to buy supplies from this specific store or these exact brands. These are examples.

Note: If you have art supplies at home that you can use, please do not buy more. In art class, we try to follow the Catholic Social Teaching theme of Care for God's Creation. This means we actively try to be good stewards of creation by refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling all the supplies that we use. These actions help us to "protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation."

Stores like Target and Walmart have many of these items in the back-to-school sections. Please check these areas at your local stores before buying any of these supplies at a full price.

If you are buying from Blick Art Materials, the closest store to St. Thomas is the location on Beverly Blvd. They are currently offering in-store shopping and curbside pick-up. If you shop in-store, tell the cashier you are a student to receive a 20% discount. If you have your school I.D. card, this is a perfect time to use it!

I also encourage you to search for local art stores in your area. These places are more likely to offer discounts to students and educators. The pandemic has affected many of these stores and they need our help! For example, Artist & Craftsman, my favorite art store is currently closed! But by making online orders, I have supported the people that would have helped me when I've searched for supplies for St. Thomas.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me via ClassDojo or email: