Welcome to Saints Triathlon!

Saints Triathlon is going into its seventh year and has grown impressively since its start in 2012. We are a diverse and welcoming club that caters for all ranges of abilities from those that have never swam, cycled or ran before to those that regularly medal at races around the UK and the world.

We are a close-knit and social group and our fun atmosphere is displayed at our regular training sessions, socials (we eat a lot of food!!) and trips. We aim to go on one residential trip each semester and have recently travelled to Glen Coe, Skye and Aviemore!

Doing three sports together is definitely a challenge but coming from someone who couldn’t swim properly this time last year to just completing my first triathlon in the summer, anyone can do it!

I can’t wait to meet all the new and returning members in September!

Tom Francis

President 2018-2019

Dates for your calendar

Give it a Go

All of our sessions are free and open to everyone in freshers week, have a look at our training page to find out when and where we will be! We also have two dedicated sessions for give-it-a-go on Wednesday 12th September, check out our Facebook page for more information!

St Andrews Spring Triathlon - 2018

Sunday 22nd April

If you want to find out any more information or have any questions then please get in touch at triathlon@st-andrews.ac.uk!

Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1

BUCS Sprint Triathlon - 2017