Eucharistic Procession

“We entrust these streets, these homes, our daily life, to his goodness. May our streets be streets of Jesus! May our houses be homes for him and with him! May our life of every day be penetrated by his presence.” ~ Pope Benedict XVI, Homily on Corpus Christi, 26 May 2005 

Saint Raphael Parish Eucharistic Procession 

June 2, 2024 at the conclusion of the 12:00 Mass. Celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

What is a Eucharistic Procession?

“The procession with the Blessed Sacrament … reminds us that we are called to go out and bring Jesus to others. To go out with enthusiasm, bringing Christ to those we meet in our daily lives.”  ~ Pope Francis, Homily on Corpus Christi, 6 June 2021 

A Eucharistic Procession, just like Eucharistic Adoration, is an extension of the worship of Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. In Eucharistic Processions, the missionary aspect of the Eucharist is emphasized as we go forth into the world. Not only gazing upon our Eucharistic Lord, but walking with him, we experience what the disciples did 2000 years ago as they walked with Jesus, proclaiming the Good News to the world. 

A parish community that undertakes a Eucharistic Procession has made the decision to publicly proclaim its belief in Jesus’ True Presence in the Eucharist. By this public witness of faith, the parish invites people in the community to encounter the Risen Lord present in the Eucharistic Host. For those who participate in the procession, it is an opportunity not only to proclaim their faith but also to grow in their faith. The procession is, finally, an invitation to Jesus himself to be a part of our daily lives, to be immersed in the world in which we live.
Taken from Knights of Columbus Eucharistic Procession Guidebook 

Everything you need to know about the Procession!

Q: When will the Procession take place?

A: At the conclusion of the 12:00 PM Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ on Sunday, June 2. After the Prayer After Communion (closing prayer), instead of a final blessing, there will be a period of adoration. During this time, those who will not be joining in the procession will be given the opportunity to exit.

Q: Who can participate in the Procession?

A: Anyone who can make the walk around the block is able to join us! The procession will include members of our First Communicant class, the Choir, and representatives from our many parish ministries ranging from the Guild to day school and PSR teachers, lectors, athletics, High School Ministry and more! You are welcome to process as a member of a ministry or join us as a family or individual. 

Q: How will the Procession form?

A: Once the parking lot has cleared, the servers will exit the Church down the main aisle followed by members of the First Communion class and their families. They will be followed by the Eucharist, accompanied by clergy. Behind the Eucharist will be members of the choir. Ushers will then assist the remaining members of the faithful to join the procession.

Q: What if I want to join the Procession but don’t go to Noon Mass?

A: You will be able to join us simply by waiting near the Ceremonial Entrance doors after the Noon Mass and joining the procession after the Choir. We recommend arriving at 12:45pm to be ready to go when Mass ends.

Q: What is the route for the Procession?

A: The Procession will depart from the ceremonial entrance directly to Osborn. From there we will proceed down Osborn, Douglas, Oviatt, and back around to Dover Center, returning into the church through the same doors that we exited. Once everyone has returned to their pews in the church, there will be a final blessing. 

Q: How long will the procession take?

A: We anticipate that the Procession will take around 45-60 minutes from the end of Mass until Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament back in the church. 

Q: What if I can't walk in the Procession?

A: It is possible to remain in the Church and pray while the Procession goes around the Church. If you would like to view the procession, you are welcome to arrive early and find a place along the procession route to view it. Please stay on the sidewalks.