Parent Information
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Your child has regular homework to help support learning in the classroom. Because we are a digital school they can access this homework by digital device.
In Maths your child is using an E-Ako account which you as a parent/caregiver can check on their progress - simply ask them to show you how. For the second term all children are using Prodigy Maths to help them master their basic facts, addition and subtraction. They are working on this by completing tasks at this link. Your child has also been given a weekly reading log to fill in with details of what they are reading, for how long, and what they think about the book. They also have their own account with Sunshine Classics to support their learning in Reading. In addition to this, they will be working on learning spelling words from the You Can Spell programme.
Please ask your child to show you how this system works for them.
To support their Writing, all tasks and support material can be viewed via the subject pages in this website. Spelling activities and word lists are found there, also.