Reminders to Parents


7:45-8:00 am

Church Door (Located by the Parking Lot). If you come in after this time, please walk your child down the steps and ring the doorbell. Students must be accompanied by an adult.


2:45 p.m.

The children will be dismissed from the side door of the school (located on Roberts Lane). For the safety of all the children, please wait for the teacher to dismiss your child. Please be patient during the first few weeks of dismissal.

TAKEHOME FOLDER - used for daily communication. It is important to check, unload and return each day.

Monthly Calendar - kept in TAKEHOME folder and used for behavioral incentives

Monthly Homework Calendar - kept in TAKEHOME folder


Please label sweatshirts, jackets, gloves, hats etc.

Summer Uniform is Gray Gym Shirt, Blue Gym shorts and sneakers.

Winter Uniform - Gray Gym Shirt, Blue Warrior Sweatpants and sneakers. Students can wear blue gym sweat shirts if they are cold.

Dress appropriately for the weather as we try to get outdoors daily. (hats/gloves for cold weather)

Rain coats for rainy days, but no umbrella or rain boots are necessary.

Nap mats - Are sent home to be washed every weekend.

Please return on the following school day.