Class Information

Birthdays - You are welcome to send in a non - edible treat (a new pencil, eraser, or a Dollar Store trinket). Thank you.

Transportation - Please send in a note if there is any change. Thank you.

Homework - Homework will be assigned Monday - Thursday nights and will cover material that has already been covered in class. Please click on the homework page for nightly assignments.

Report Cards - Report cards will be given out and sent home at the close of the first trimester, the second trimester, and the third trimester. The Archdiocesan Grading Scale is as follows:

97 - 100 Outstanding

91 -96 Very Good Progress

84 - 90 Good Progress

77 - 83 Sufficient Progress

72 - 76 Improvement in Progress Needed

Below 70 Unsatisfactory Progress

Behavior - I will make a notation in your child's homework book, if there is a behavioral or homework problem during the school day. Please sign the notice and I will check the following day. If a serious problem arises I will send you an email. We also use a behavior calendar each day and you will need to sign this every night. Thank you.

"SPECIALS" Schedule

Monday - GYM - 2:05-2:45

Tuesday - SPANISH - 1:20-2:00

Wednesday - LIBRARY - 2:05-2:45

Thursday - COMPUTERS - 10:45-11:25

Friday - MUSIC - 10:25-11:05