Term 4 Writing Taskboard

Term 3 2021

Term 3 Writing workshops
Introducing speeches_ persuasive writing

Week 8

This week we will explore persuasive writing more in preparation for our speeches.

Click on the Jam Board icon to add ideas of what you could do your speech about

Active Reflection Process for kids Week 3 T3

Term 2 2021

WALHT talk about our learning in writing

Week 9

This week we will be getting ready to share learning with our whanau.

We will share digital examples as well as our writing books.

Term 2 Writing workshops
Active Reflection Process for kids Week 7

Active reflection

Active reflection helps us to think deeply about our learning.

Think of your own definition or way to describe what active reflection is.

Active Reflection Process for kids

Active reflection

Active reflection helps us to think deeply about our learning.

Think of your own definition or way to describe what active reflection is.

How to resize a google doc: May 14, 2021 7:58 AM.webm
Unpack explanation writing

Term 1 2021

Blog post finishing
Term 1 Taskboard

Active Reflection Week 4

Here is the link for our Active reflection - this helps me decide what learning workshop I need next.


Active Reflection Week 3

Here is the link for our Active reflection - this helps me decide what learning workshop I need next.


PBS Writing Rubric

Forgotten what that term means?

Use this guide to help you with terms used within writing