Tuhituhi /Writing

Term 4 2020

Using Book Creator: Dec 5, 2020 3:04 PM.webm

Week 9 :

Publishing our narratives using book Creator.

Use this video to help you navigate Book Creator.

Runaway Robot Rampage

term 4 writing workshops

Diamante Poems - exploring language features

Click here to access the Kapa Haka Photos


Narrative Writing

Click here to add to the planning JamBoard

WALHT - introduce a narrative


10 doors Template
Writing Learning Pathway recount expressive

Goal Setting

  • Make copy

  • Use the exemplars to set yourself an overall goal.

  • Highlight off and date what you can do (evidence of)

Structure a letter
Writing taskboard term 3

Practice your speech on this flipgrid platform. Play it back - what changes do you need to make?

WALHT deliver a speech

  • Body language

  • Volume

  • Tone

  • Eye Contact

  • Pace

Introduce myself for speeches
Introducing speeches_ persuasive writing
Term 3 Weekly Plans

Week 10 - explanation writing.

How is a video game made?

Week 10

Reflection of our learning.

Practice your typing skills

Week 8 Term 2

Explanation writing pathway

Term Two - Week 7

This week we are going to be reflecting on our time in lockdown.

SMF it


Make a Copy

File it

Goodbye, Hello Poems
Autumn Artwork

Week 6 Term 2

This week we have been writing autumn poems. Today we will be creating some eye catching artwork to go with it.

WALHT add detail student copy to use

Week 1 Term 2

SMF it


Make a Copy

File it

PBS Writing Rubric

Forgotten what that term means?

Use this guide to help you with terms used within writing

Writing taskboard

Term 1 Workshops.

Check in to see which workshop you need to attend.

Wk 8 Model text HERE

Feedback and feed forward

Click here to complete your Active Reflection for this week


Puzzle box science

Over the last few weeks we have explored our senses. Today we are going to explore our senses and our thinking by observing things and asking questions.

What is happening?

Why do I think that?