The Luminous Mysteries  

Rev. Peter J. Pacini, C.S.C.

1.   Jesus' Baptism in the Jordan

Immediately after Jesus had been baptized by John, the Father’s voice was heard, revealing Jesus to be his beloved Son, with whom he was well pleased. At our baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ, we too were claimed by God the Father and

“adopted” as his own beloved children. As you ponder the voice from the cloud speaking to Jesus, consider how you experience the Father’s love and his affirmation of your special relationship with him.

2.   The Wedding at Cana

Turning water into wine was more than an impressive magic trick. It was a sign that Jesus was going to initiate a new covenant between God and his people, based not on obedience to a set of laws, but on faith in him and his sacrifice on the cross. Christ himself must be the focus of our devotion and the way that leads to our salvation. Hence, we should listen carefully to Mary’s admonition to the servers at the wedding feast: “Do whatever he tells you.” Consider how you experience Jesus as your guiding light and your source of hope.


3.   The Proclamation of the Kingdom

Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and that we live in the midst of it all the time. Yet, the Kingdom is mysterious, impossible to define, and often hidden from our sight. From Jesus’ numerous parables about the Kingdom, we can understand this term to refer to the presence and activity of God in the world and in our lives. We can perceive the Kingdom only with the eyes of faith. Recall a particular moment, whether you recognized it at the time or only in hindsight, when God seemed to take an active role in your life.


4.   The Transfiguration

On the mountaintop, for just a brief moment, Peter, James and John saw Jesus for who he really is. They already knew him as a companion and teacher, but they had not yet experienced him as the Lord of Glory. Consider how you see Jesus as both the Divine Son of God and an intimate companion on your life’s journey.


5.   The Institution of the Eucharist

By his passion and death on the cross, Christ opened the way to salvation for all of us. In the celebration of the Eucharist, he allows us to participate, again and again, in his sacrifice and its fruits. We draw strength from him and receive the spiritual nourishment that we need to walk our journey of faith. Recall a moment when you felt especially close to Jesus during the Eucharistic Prayer or after receiving Holy Communion.