Note: Please print and fill out this form if you do not wish us to photograph, digitally record, or interview your child during SBRE sessions.

Religious Education, Retreat Style!

     All meetings will be formatted as retreats: The program involves gathering once a month, from 4-7 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. This time will include fun activities as well as a meal shared by everyone in attendance.

     Our catechists will teach for a portion of the time, but the environment of their teaching will be more a shared community experience and not resemble an academic classroom.

     There will also be materials for the children and parents designed to help you follow up at home and to prepare for the next monthly session.

Meet the Team!

Fr. Peter Pacini, CSC

St. Bavo Pastor 

Gus Zuehlke

Religious Education Director

Pat Sweeney

RE Secretary and Coordinator


Mike and Angie Langenbrunner

Grades K-2

Nicole McKee

Grades  3-5 (Food Coordinator)

Kristine Dailey

Grades  3-5

Pete DeKever

Grades 6-8

David Schwier

Grades 6-8

Working Group

Beth Kuminecz

Dance Coordinator

Chris Eberhardt

Confirmation Retreat and Theology of the Body Facilitator

Tom Eberhardt

Confirmation Retreat and Theology of the Body Facilitator

Chad Roggeman


Matthew Fairleigh

Social Media

Susan Baxter

Social Media