
By: London, Layne, Fabrizia


Jamaica is a small island in the Caribbean Sea whose neighbors are Cuba on the North of the island, and Haiti on the East of the island. Jamaica is home to 2.8+ million hard-working and dedicated people. Jamaica is a third-world country which means that everybody on the island has to work twice as hard to survive and take care of their families; in some cases children have to drop out of school to help their families work.

Even with all of this struggle, Jamaica is still a wonderful place to vacation and relax away from all of your stress. Jamaica's beaches are super clear, clean and beautiful. This should be the first place you think about if you were to go on a family vacation; Resorts like the Grand Bahia Principe and the Ocean Coral Spring Resort have so many activities to keep you and your family occupied and happy.

Jamaica was ruled by the British Empire and enslaved by the Spaniards from the early years of the 16th century until August 1, 1962 when the country gained emancipation. The country was finally free from British rule on August 6th, 1962 when the country gained independence from Britain. Both of these days are annual national holidays in Jamaica with Emancipation Day falling on August 1st of every year and Independence Day falling on August 6th of every year.