
               Welcome to the First Grade 

        Religion Page !! 

     We're Glad You're Here!

        Religion Teacher: Mrs. Z


Religion is one of the pillars of our whole child academic approach. Each day our students participate in prayer and religious instruction, studying the traditions and practices of the Catholic faith. Religion classes are a welcome time each  day for our students and teachers to reflect and connect as a community. In all grades students are encouraged to be stewards of God’s creation by participating in age discussions and appropriate activities that promote social justice and action.


 First Graders are on an exciting faith journey. During this  important year , students discover that through Baptism each person is called to be a disciple of Jesus and a member of God's family.

Units 1-6   



Jesus Christ

The Church



Kingdom of God

Other topics that will be covered include :

The Rosary
The Church,
God’s Love and Forgiveness,
The Sacraments
,The Family
,The Mass
Parts and order of the Mass,
Mass Responses,
Prayers: Sign of the Cross, Our Father,
Hail Mary, Glory Be, grace, Examen, and other simple prayers,
Fruits of the Spirit.

Students will be attending Mass with their classmates and buddies . We will also be studying prayers  and responses for Mass .

We pray formally and informally in the classroom during the day, learn and sing hymns and religious songs, read stories from the Bible and  learn about the lives of the Saints.

Online Religion Text 

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1st Grade Religion Vocabulary

These are words we will become familiar with in class.

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May Crowning 1