Short Films

This year we will be focusing on our storytelling skills. The students will be producing short stories. Check back here later in the year in order to view our stories. 

Past Projects

Elective Promo Videos

We were asked by the Counselor to create promos for all of the electives so that she could show them before the students registered for their electives next year. Students worked in pairs or in small groups to create the following videos. 

web Stuco Promo by Elizabeth S.mp4
Spanish promo by Emily Marchbanks.mp4
MUSIC promo by Lillian Houston.mp4
PE Promo by Belle Nislter.mp4
Semester CTE Class by Mrs. Mora.mp4

CommunityShare Project

In 2022, Mrs. Mora invited Evan Grae Davis, a local filmmaker to come work with the digital media class as a part of the CommunityShare project, where community members are invited into classrooms to complete projects and extend learning. Mr. Davis helped students by giving them feedback on their promotional videos. The Hype Video to the left was an amazing example of that project. Students said they were blown away to receive such high praise from someone in the industry. 

Students are gathered around a table with chromebooks while they talk with a professional filmaker about their videos.
Evan Grae Davis, Sara Mora, and Dustin Williams pose in front of a mural that says This is a place of joyful noise.
Two students listen to a a professional filmmaker as he gives them feedback on their video.