During lockdown, students will need to access their level page

Navigating the Hub

This Learning Hub is a live site that will be constantly changing through the following term, you will be required to click on your child's grade at the top of the navigation bar, a link will be available for students to access their daily/weekly tasks.

Prep - 6 teachers will be using Google Classroom and other G-Suite apps including Google Meet to deliver the students learning tasks. Additionally, Prep - 2 teachers will be providing a daily planner which may include links to videos, presentations and worksheets

Teachers will be expecting that all students in their classroom complete the tasks provided. If a learning includes a worksheet, this can be printed out at home or if printing is not an option, copied and completed in their workbook.

In addition to the tasks sent out by teachers, students will also have access to a variety of online support programs such as Matific, Essential Assessment and Code.Org. Information regarding these platforms can be found on the Online Learning Resources tab.

Below, you will see our suggested timetable for remote learning to ensure all students are kept in a routine that addresses more than just academics. However, while we have provided an example of a typical remote learning daily schedule, there is NO expectation that parents adhere to this structure with the exception of student Google Meet sessions. Additional learning tasks can be completed at any time throughout the day, and in any order. Any additional information will be provided to each grade level via their classroom teacher.

Remote Learning Time Expectations

Academic time expectations for students in Prep - 2 per day.

  • Developing literacy based skills 30 - 60 minutes

  • Developing numeracy based skills 30 - 45 minutes

  • Participating in additional subject / play-based learning 30 - 60 minutes

Academic expectations for students in 3 - 6 per day

  • Developing literacy based skills 45 - 60 minutes

  • Developing numeracy based skills 45 - 60 minutes

  • Participating in additional subject learning 45 - 60 minutes

  • Engaging in physical activity 30 -45 minutes