Punjabi - 8

Hello scholars, Welcome to 20/21 year!

Course Description :

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Understanding

  • Speaking

Class Meeting Link:

8th Punjabi - Zoom meeting at 1:00

Class Calendar

Check out our class calendar. Here you'll be able to see all of your Punjabi assignments and other important dates.

Contact Mrs. Sekhon



Click here to sign up for text alerts


Call the office and ask for my extension.


2:00 - 3:00 Monday - Friday


To check your assignments:

Watch the video to the right or follow the directions below! ➡

  • Log on to google classroom

  • Click the "classwork" tab at the top of the page.

  • On the left hand side of the screen, select our current unit (or whichever unit is at the top of the page).

  • Select the most recent assignment (at the top). An assignment will be posted daily.

To turn in work:

  • Complete the work that is attached to your google classroom assignment.

  • Click the "turn in" button when you are finished!

To get to our zoom meeting:

  • A link is posted above. Click on that link 3 minutes before the scheduled meeting time.

Useful Websites

Grading 📝

Language Arts is now being assessed with standards based grading. At a glance this means:

  • All “grades” will be earned through assessments (these can be projects, essays, quizzes, or tests)

  • Each assessment will now specifically focus on a few Language Arts content standards.

On assessments you will receive a score of 1-4, rather than A-F.

1 : Does not meet grade level standards

2: Partially meets grade level standards

3: Meets grade level standards

4: Exceeds grade level standards

You will have multiple opportunities to prove that you are meeting particular standards.

You will be able to “redo” major assessments.

Redo Policy

In this class you will have multiple opportunities to improve your assessment scores. You must use the following guidelines:

  • Submit the original assessment with your new attempt (if possible).

  • Write a letter that compares the original attempt with the new work. What did you learn as a result of redoing the assignment?

  • All homework and classwork assignments must be completed prior to redoing an assignment

  • Most redo assessments will be done outside of class, on your own time.

About Mrs. Sekhon

I am here to teach Punjabi to my middle school scholars. Even though facing Covid-19 challenges we are firmly committed to reach our goals. I will explain you your prescribed syllabus . That way It would be easier for you to understand what you are going to learn in 2020-2021 semester. Let's join hands and as a team start flying until we reach the sky of huge success. All the best, buddies, meet you soon virtually.