Year 9 Science

Welcome to the information website for this course

During the year we will follow the program in the table below. There are links for each of the topics at the top of the page. In the right hand column of the planner is a list of the pages that should be completed in Scipad during that calendar week. These will usually be checked by the your teacher some day the following week. Your teachers will tell you how they will go about this.

Other work, homework and instructions will be in your Google Classroom, or be set through Stile. These require logons which the students have been given.

All boys have been sent an email invitation to the Year 9 Extension Science Google Classroom. This has extra material aimed at boys who really like science and want to do ICAS exams, aim for Scholarship and so on. Parents who want to check this out can email

Year 9 Science teachers
9AFN and 9PKA - Mr Keestra
9BBY - Mr Wang
9DNO  - Mr Rillstone
9HKN - Mrs Ghahremanian
9JTR and 9SXK - Ms Khoo
9LMY - Mr Patel

See the school website for email addresses.

Yr9 Science Outline