Former 9PK students

9PK Homeroom

Welcome to the page about past and present 9PK students. The year in brackets is the year they were in my homeroom.

Dominic Bowden (1990) - TV personality

Dr. Duncan McGillivray (1990) - scientist

Dr. Peter Lescher (1992) - scientist/engineer

James Broadhurst (2001) - All Black

Kalafi Pongi (2006) - rugby player

Joshua Hawkins (2007) - athlete, Olympic hopeful

Callum Quin (2009) - race driver

Matthew Ball (2002) - recipient of NZ Gallantry Decoration

Solomon Brown (2005) - musician

Glenn Phillips (2010) - cricketer Stuff article 2016

Daniel Whittaker (2008) - World Vision Youth Ambassador

Michael Anderson - (2009) - X Factor contestant

Fergus Hodgson - (1994) economist, contributor to some conservative thinktanks and blogs

Sean Polwart (2004)- former Blues flanker

James Broadhurst

Kalafi Pongi

Solomon Brown

Joshua Hawkins

Duncan McGillivray

Peter Lescher

Daniel Whittaker

Callum Quin

Michael Anderson (right) with his group Brendon Thomas and the Dudes

Glenn Phillips

Fergus Hodgson