Distance Learning

Above is PK video lesson timetable for the week. I will use the same timetable during this lockdown (starting Thursday 19th August) for as long as it continues, but may do an extra one on Friday for 8VH. Note that "NM" in the image above should read 'Fri'.

Check Google Classroom for all work.

All video lessons will be conducted from within Google Classroom using the Google Meet tools. You MUST be signed into your SHC account to access this. Most of these meetings will be quite short 'check-in' meetings, but I intend to cover some course content with Year 11 on Wednesday and Years 9 and 10 on Thursday.

To summarise:

10BR: Monday 9am and Thursday 10am

9PK: Monday 10 am and Thursday 9am

9PT: Monday and Thursday 11.15 am

11Physical Science: Monday noon and Wednesday 9 am (start of double period but video will be about 40 min)

8VH: Tuesday noon

Student expectations

a. Check your emails daily; organise your Gmail account (see below*)

b. Zoom lessons (check the poster below):

i. All students are expected to use the same language and behaviour as you would when in a classroom.

ii. Be on time to your Zoom classes.

iii. Have a learning space set up.

iv. Be focussed and ready to learn.

v. Have prepared questions

vi. Appropriate clothing. Hoods down and no pyjamas.

vii. Do not record live lessons (This is not possible in Zoom without the teacher’s permission, do not use another means of recording).

viii. Screen backgrounds – keep them plain please.

ix. If you miss a Zoom lesson, please email your teacher to apologise.

c. Be respectful to your teacher and peers.

d. Communicate clearly and respectfully. Be patient.

Tips for students to assist students with their organisation

Managing your work

· Follow your school timetable:

o Y7-9 students; use the timetable provided to ensure that you complete the work set and attend all of the Zoom lessons.

o Y10-13 students; create your own timetable, based on your school timetable and record when the Zoom lessons are and the work that needs to be set for each subject.

Managing your emails

· Create folders for your emails. In Gmail folders are called ‘Labels’. Create a ‘Label’ for each subject and put your emails into the relevant Labels. Delete emails that you have actioned (done).

· Reduce the number of emails you receive by turning off unnecessary notifications in (for example) Google Classroom.

Changing Your Display Name in Zoom Rooms

Students that use other students’ computers may be confronted with a situation where their display name is not accurate when entering Zoom rooms, or they have changed their name to a nickname.

To change a display name, students should follow the steps below:

1. From the Zoom Room click on the "Participants" icon at the bottom of the window (shown circled below).

2. A Participants window will appear. Click the "Rename" button (shown circled below).

3. Enter your new name in the "New Screen Name" field and be sure to have the "Remember my name for future meetings" checked.

Frequently asked questions - this is a Google Doc and may not be available outside SHC,