Websites and Activities

ENL encompasses four modalities: Reading, Speaking, Writing, & Listening. Learning English can continue at home and we encourage you to use the activities provided to take time each day for learning. Family support and encouragement will greatly benefit the learning of English as well as provide comfort and routine during this challenging time.

Some Tips!

*Make learning FUN!

*Read together-read to your child and have them read to you-talk about the book-ask questions about the characters.

*Play a board game. Simple games can be a great way to engage in conversation.

*For older children: Have them keep a journal. They can write about their daily activities and make a picture to match.

*Have your child utilize the online resources provided here and on the Sachem School District home page for reading on-line opportunities.

*If you need to go shop-have them write the list for you!

For younger children:

*Practice the sight words (provided below). Make index cards, write them outside with sidewalk chalk, make it a game, rainbow write them, be creative!

*Practice writing their names-first and last.

Below you will find some activities/assignments that can be completed at home. These activities are encouraged as they will strenghten their skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

  1. Storyonline Book are read aloud by famous actors!

  2. PBSkids Fun, learning games featuring the famous

  3. Starfall Reading, Math, Phonics

  4. Switchzoo Animal games, solve puzzles, build a biome and on-line habitat, read about animals.

  5. Raz-Kids Read along with leveled stories

  6. Highlights for Kids Fun, educational activities, science, games, hidden pictures, listen to stories, and more!

  7. Scholastic FREE access to lessons for each grade level

For practice with C-V-C words: