Let's Work together - Be a Team

In order for your child to be successful, we need to work together as a team.  We need to communicate with each other, so the needs of your child are met.  

Please use the following so we can better communicate with one another.  

Remind 101 2023 -2024 English.pdf
Remind 101 2023 - 2024 Spanish.pdf

Every two weeks, you will receive an email with an evaluation attachment.  This evaluation will show if they need to make any improvements and if they are meeting grade level expectations.  It will also show grades for the past weeks (If there is any)

Email me at: samallobieta@sachem.edu

Please log into the classroom web site daily to see any updates or announcements.

Also check out our class streaming page for what we are learning about and what is happening in Class 4-3

Look out for the Math Newsletters that is found on the web site.  These newsletters will help you understand how the new math is taught this year.