Art with Mrs. Parisi

Google Classroom Codes:                                                

Media Arts (1st Period):  ylqufkm

Media Arts (2nd Period):  i2vjhh2

Drawing and Painting 1 (5th Period): wksnxjv

Drawing and Painting 1 (6th Period)mwtkpkd

Photography (A Day):  netui2t

Photography (B Day): ztnptto

Welcome to my Art Classes!

Hello Students and Parents!

On this site you will find information about 

courses, assignments, and art disciplines.

Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions.

~Mrs. Parisi 


Be Responsible: Be prepared, be thoughtful.

Be Yourself: Don’t try to be someone else because you are wonderful and original.

Be Flexible: You’ll never grow if you don’t try new things.

Be Respectful: Respect people, artwork, the environment, and materials.

Be Productive: Art is about creating - make something!

     Find me on Instagram at:  art.and.soul.w.mrs.p

Keep checking my SHARED DRIVE for ideas to create and art related documents!