fabio martínez carrillo
PhD, Systems and Computer Engineering
M.Sc, Biomedical Engineering
B.Sc, Mechatronic Engineer
contact: famarcar@saber.uis.edu.co
Areas of interest: computer vision, image processing, machine learning, motion analysis, video processing and medical image analysis
short bio
Fabio is currently a full-time professor at Universidad Industrial de Santander on the Computer Engineering and Informatics School. He is part of the Biomedical Imaging, Vision and Learning Laboratory (BivL2ab) and leads the formation group on Motion Analysis and Computer Vision formation group (MACV). In past, he did a postdoc working together with U2IS (ENSTA-ParisTech) - LIMSI-CNRS (Université Paris-Sud) of Université de Paris-Saclay. He has also worked in CIM@LAB laboratory and BioIngenium Research Group, Bogotá – Colombia, in Laboratoire du Traitement du Signal et de l'Image, Université de Rennes 1. Rennes- Francia and Laboratoire d'Electronique et Informatique. ENSTA-ParisTech. Paris-Francia. His major interest are on video processing , models of motion to action recognition, machine learning, applications related with computer vision, and medical imaging processing
Computer vision course is coming!
" Eppur si muove", " y sin embargo se mueve ", " Et pourtant elle tourne" , "Albeit it does move"