
I view most work completed in class as practice and opportunities for growth in learning. Therefore, a lot of the daily work completed by students will not be graded. End of unit assessments and assignments are typically the items used for final grades on a given learning standard.

Report Cards

A common misconception when viewing a child’s report card is to equate a “3” with an “A”, a “2” with a “B”, and so on. According to the district’s definition, a “3” means the student is proficient in the area and consistently, independently meets the state standards. A “2”, on the other hand, means a student is partially proficient and is making appropriate progress toward meeting the grade level standard. For much of a given school year, a good portion of students are likely to score within the “2” range. Please contact me with any questions that you have about work that is sent home or scores posted in the online grade book.