Section 5

Integration and Collaboration

Narrative Item 5.1 - Section Five- Alignment to Local or Regional Needs and Strategies.pdf

Narrative Item 5.1

Alignment to Local or Regional Needs and Strategies

Narrative Item 5.2 - Methods of Referral between Workforce and ABE.pdf

Narrative Item 5.2

Methods of Referral

Narrative Item 5.3 - Coordination and Collaboration with Community Educational Resources.pdf

Narrative Item 5.3

Coordination and Collaboration with Other Educational, Training, and Employment Resources in the Community

Narrative Item 5.4 - Collaboration with Local Correctional Facilities.pdf

Narrative Item 5.4

Collaboration with Local and County Correctional Facilities

Narrative Item 5.5 - Role in Developing and Implementing the Regional Transitions Plan.pdf

Narrative Item 5.5

Regional Transitions Plan

Narrative Item 5.6 - Adult Literacy Hotline.pdf

Narrative Item 5.6

Adult Literacy Hotline

Narrative Item 5.7 - Regional Transitions Coordinator.pdf

Narrative Item 5.7

Regional Transitions Coordinator and ABE Representative

Document L - Most Recent Workforce Development MOU.pdf

Document L

Memorendum of Understanding

Document M - List of Local Workforce Development Board Members.pdf

Document M

Workforce Development Board Members

Document N - Current Regional Transitions Plan.pdf

Document N

Current Regional Transitions Plan

Document O - Regional and Local WIOA Plan.pdf

Document O

Current WIOA Plan