English 9 Course Outline

Ms. Brandford Fall 2022

Room: 1054 (Portables)

📞(403) 948-3800 ex. 2841| 📧sbrandford@rvschools.ab.ca  |

Course Description

I am thrilled to welcome you into my class and am excited for what this semester has in store for us! My main goal as a teacher is for you to succeed, and it is important to me that you know I am committed to helping you do that this semester. I am available in class, before/after school (by appointment) and during lunch for extra help, or a friendly conversation whenever you need me. I am also available by email and will respond to requests within 24 hours. Students should email me at sbrandford@rvschools.ab.ca

Let's have some fun and learn lots this year!

Ms. Brandford ❤️

Course Overview

English Language Arts immerses students in the study of language and literature, developing and expanding upon the fundamental reading, writing, and language skills that students have studied previously.  Through ELA, students will continue to study and apply the knowledge and skills that will allow them to be successful in this course and on their Provincial Exams.

The time designated to any one unit may vary, depending on the number and type of skills and activities to be integrated into that theme.  However, in any one genre, the six essential strands: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, & representing will be used to complete the following 


Course Objectives

Scope & Sequence


Come to class prepared! Refrain from showing up to class without all necessary materials. 

Course Syllabus

Course Schedule and Texts

Major Texts:

True Diary  by Sherman Alexie

Film Texts:

Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse - Creative Assignment

Other Texts:



The Secret Path Gord Downie

The Goonies - Essay Assignment

Short Stories


The Marrow Thieves Cherie Demaline


Jurassic World - Business Email Assignment




Critical, Personal, and Creative Mentor Texts


Toy Story - Creative Narrative Assignment




General Expectations

Absences & Lates

Please use the SIGN IN/SIGN OUT form at the front of the room when leaving or returning to class for any reason. 



Excused Absence:


Unexcused Absence:

Late Arrival:





Missed Assignments:




Digital Submissions:

Missed Assignments/Earned Zero Policy:


The following assignment policy will apply to the class:



Please Note: The presiding teacher has no onus to grade late work immediately. The teacher will do everything in their power to mark late work as quickly as possible, but it may not be marked until the conclusion of the course.

Rewritten Assignments:

-        The original, marked assignment;

-        The mark sheet for the original assignment.

If the noted guidelines are not adhered to, the re-written assignment will not be accepted.

Computer Usage

An educationally functional electronic device as outlined by Bert Church High School policy is an asset.  If such a device is to be used, it is expected that students will bring their device to class with charge sufficient for use throughout the period.


Cell phones are not to be used in English Language Arts 9 unless explicitly permitted. You will be asked to remove it once and then it will be removed for you. Feel free to place it at the charging table, in your backpack, or in Ms. Brandford's desk. 

A phone does not replace the use of a device. 


Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. On first offense, a discussion will happen and assignment will be redone. On second offence, parents will be notified. On third offence, admin will be contacted and more severe consequences will occur. 

Remember... I want to hear your thoughts and writing, not someone else! This includes parents, friends, and internet copy-and-paste. 


In class, students will be assessed on the criteria listed below. Regular attendance, classroom participation and an attitude conducive to learning are necessary for optimum performance and success in the English classroom.

Provincial Achievement Test - Final Exam 

The English Language Arts Provincial Achievement Test has two parts: Part A, which is functional and critical writing, and Part B, which is reading comprehension. This exam is worth 10% of your total course grade and will be released on your final report card. We will be doing LOTS of practice for this exam!Â