Welcome to English 10-1!

I am thrilled to welcome you into my class and am excited for what this semester has in store for us! My main goal as a teacher is for you to succeed, and it is important to me that you know I am committed to helping you do that this semester. I am available in class, before/after school (by appointment) and during lunch for extra help, or a friendly conversation whenever you need me. I am also available by email and will respond to requests within 24 hours. Students should email me at sbrandford@rvschools.ab.ca

Let's have some fun and learn lots this year!

Ms. Brandford ❤️


ELA 10-1 is an rigorous course, and the expectations for student work are high. Students entering the class with a mark from the prerequisite course of below 65% in English 9 historically struggle with the intense expectations demanded in the class. Be prepared to work hard and take responsibility for using class time effectively. There will be assigned homework and out-of-class work. Through this course, we will: 

Course Description

Course Overview

English Language Arts immerses students in the study of language and literature, developing and expanding upon the fundamental reading, writing, and language skills that students have studied previously.  Through ELA, students will continue to study and apply the knowledge and skills that will allow them to be successful in this course and on their Provincial Exams. In any one unit of study, the six essential strands: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, & representing.


Course Objectives

Scope & Sequence


Course Syllabus

Course Schedule and Texts Explored

 All units are broken up thematically where every unit will have short story, poetry, film, major text, and non-fiction components. Each unit will be evaluated through a number of tests, projects, and essay assignments. 

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Juno directed directed by Jason Reitman 

To Kill a Mockingbird stage play

Book Clubs (variety of choice novels)

Where the Crawdad's Sing directed directed by Olivia Newman

Hunt for the Wilderpeople directed by Taika Waititi

"The Scarlet Ibis" and other short stories

Collection of Poetry and Non-Fiction


General Expectations

Absences & Lates


Excused Absence:

Unexcused Absence:

Late Arrival:

Bathroom Policy:


Google Classroom and Digital Submission

Assignment Policy




Rewrites and Intervention:

Computer Usage

Please bring a computer every day to English Language Arts! We will be reading and/or writing every single day, and technology is a huge asset. If you do not have your own, please take out a long-term loan from the Learning Commons. 

Cellphones and Headphones

Phones are a part of our daily lives. However, they are a MAJOR distraction (I can't compete with TikTok/Snapchat/Instagram, and I don't want to). In this class, I would expect my students to be mature enough to practice responsible use. However, for clarity: 

When You Can't Use Them:

When You Can Use Them: 

If your tech becomes an obvious distraction, Ms. Brandford will communicate with your parents a plan 

Cheating, Plagiarism, and A.I. 

We have had an influx of plagiarism and cheating at Bert Church High School since the pandemic. 



Artificial Intelligence:

The Bert Church High School cheating/plagiarism policy is as follows: 

Friday Schedule

On Fridays in English, we will have FLEX and Reading Comp Practice.  


In class, students will be assessed on the criteria listed below. Regular attendance, classroom participation and an attitude conducive to learning are necessary for optimum performance and success in the English classroom.

Intervention week is available during exam break, where, if needed, any 10-1 student is invited to attend and redo a maximum of three re-assessments.