Prairie Waters 2020

Check out this amazing song created by our very own Mr. Bonner and the staff at Prairie Waters Elementary School! Have an amazing summer and we will see you soon.

Here is a great video talking to children about Covid-19. Thanks to our team at Stepping Stones to Mental Health for creating it.

Check out this webinar from the Neufeld Institute

Screen Time is it a problem?

Are you worried about how much time your children are playing on various electronic devices? Click on the image to read this article about balancing this tricky situation during lockdowns!

Information about covi9-19

Please click on the picture to connect to the Chestermere homepage and learn more about daily updates related to our community and the province

This resource is to navigate the variety of feelings that so many of us are experiencing during this unpredictable time. Clink on the picture and then the square with an arrow through it. It will direct you right to the website.

Co-Parenting During covid

Co-parenting is a tough enough job without the threats of illness and confusion to the children. Here is a great resource on how to navigate these tricky situations especially when it comes to custody agreements.

Who Do I want to be?

Covid-19 has changed the way we live our lives. Do you want to live in the "fear zone", "learning zone", or "growth zone"? Check out this resource to see where you fit!