Parents' Info

Parents are one of our school's greatest assets and influences. 

Please read below to find out how you can help your child and our school.

Don't forget to join our private Oakland Heights 4th Grade Facebook Group!

Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

The goal of the Oakland Heights' PTO is to raise money for our students and teachers.  PTO meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 4:30 PM.  We would love for you to join in to help our PTO!  More info can be found on the Oakland Heights PTO Facebook Page.

Take Home Tuesday

On Tuesday of every week, any special notes, calendars, and graded papers will be sent home with your child in their Take Home Tuesday folder.  Please set aside time with your child on Tuesday or Wednesday night to review the papers in their folder.  After reviewing the contents, please sign your child's folder and record any comments or questions you may have.  Please return your child's folder no later than Thursday of every week.  Thanks so much for all that you do!

Parent Volunteers

Any time we have special school events going on, parent volunteers are always welcome.  Culture Day, Field Day, our classroom field trip, and other events are great times you can volunteer your time and help to our students.  If you would ever like to help out in the classroom, you are always welcome.  Our holiday parties are also wonderful times you can visit the classroom and help out.  Please contact me if you ever find the time to volunteer.  Thanks in advance!

Work Day Helpers

Parent volunteers are invited to school twice a month to help teachers gather materials and supplies to use in their classroom.  Some tasks you may be asked to help with are cutting out lamination, copying papers, filing paperwork, or even listening to a student read.  

Thank you for raising amazing children!  They are our future.