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Academies of Racine

Academies are small learning communities that provide real-world experiences with local businesses and professionals, linking schoolwork and the workplace. Each high school will have Academies with unique Pathways. Each Pathway is a sequence of courses designed to help students prepare for a specific career area while also meeting the mandatory requirements for high school graduation.

Click the link to learn more about the Academies of Racine from the district website.

Here at Case High School we have four academies; Freshman Academy, Academy of Business and Culinary Arts, Academy of Health Sciences, and Academy of IT and Technical Services and Education. Students choose their academy and pathway at the end of Freshman year after exploring career options and learning more about each academy in their Freshman Seminar courses.

Health Sciences Academy

There are two pathways in this academy.

Biomedical Pathway

  • Working with the same equipment and tools used in the field, biomedical students will explore and find solutions to today’s most pressing medical challenges. Students will step into the roles of industry professionals and investigate topics including human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. Students will work together to solve the problems facing the healthcare world today.

Health Services Pathway

  • Health Service occupations are expected to grow rapidly. Students in this pathway will be exposed to numerous careers and post-secondary options relating to occupations in the health service sector. Nursing, Pharmacy Technicians, Medical and Dental Assistants, Paramedics, Physical Therapists, Surgical Technologists, and others will be explored. Students will learn fundamental terminology and skills necessary to pursue further education and occupations in this Pathway.