Social Connection During Lockdown

Live presentations!

Social Connection During Lockdown will present live at 14:00 and 16:00!

At 14:00 group 1 (personal development journey) and group 2 (mindful bootcamp) will go live! At 16:00, group 3a (love during the pandemic) and 3b (love and dating during the pandemic) will present! Click the links below to join!

Personal Development Journey

This project was centered around personal development, more specifically within lockdown and times of COVID-19. Our group found that a critical part of personal development was the hobbies that one undertook, especially considering how restrictive lockdown can be for an individual's physical and mental health. Thus, Group 1 decided to organise an online event (with the use of Zoom) in order to explore new hobbies with fellow students in the Netherlands. We decided to introduce 4 main activities: interactive games (ice breaker), arts and crafts, mindfulness and bartending which we ran through consecutively. Our goal was to encourage interactive and productive learning through the experiences of new hobbies and activities. Despite a few mishaps, we were able to run a very successful event where we provided our participants (group 1 members also joined) with the opportunity for social interaction in a fun and informative environment.

Mindful Bootcamp

Our project was based on exploring the relationship between mental & physical wellbeing and the outdoors, mainly during COVID-19. We organized a covid-friendly event for people to enjoy the outdoors while improving and educating them about their mental and physical wellbeing. Our goal was to encourage people to spend more time outdoors because, based on our research, it is very beneficial for their mental and/or physical wellbeing. We also wanted to create an event which encouraged people to try new things and hopefully enjoy some socializing during corona times. Our event was aimed at first year UCG students, residing in Frascati, as our primary research was from our interviews with them. Unfortunately, due to many setbacks (mainly due to the classic Dutch weather) we had to host our event indoors but we provided our participants with great sources and ideas for outdoors and wellbeing-improvement activities!

Love during the pandemic

How have love, sex, and dating habits changes among students during the pandemic?

Love and Dating during the Pandemic

We organized a dating event following Covid-19 restrictions. We created a scavenger hunt to be done in pairs either blindly matched, or bringing your own partner to introduce dating again into students’ lives in Groningen.