Introduction to meditation

Welcome to your meditation space!

This space was created during the COVID 19 crisis for meditators in the UCG community practice meditation together. Instruction in meditation was provided, and the sessions were designed with both beginners and experienced meditators in mind.

The meditation space will remain a resource for anyone interested in meditation in the UCG community. To that end, our instructor graciously made short recordings of the guided meditations we practiced together, for anyone to use. WATCH THIS SPACE for the recordings!

We hope that this space and the recordings encourage your meditation practice.

The instructor

UCG's Introduction to Meditation sessions were led by Lionel Newman trained in the 'Thai Forest' tradition of meditation, at the Dhammajirik Monastery in Thailand, where he was ordained as a Buddhist monk. Currently Lionel conducts experimental brain research at the RUG’s Bernoulli Institute, investigating brain processes involved in attention and social cooperation.