Exploring Animal-Human Relations

Exploring Animal-Human Relations

The human-animal relationship has changed over time. As the human race evolved, we categorized animals as companions, predators and food. There are many more categories today, like industry, therapy. We, the students part of the project human-animal relationships, aim to approach the diversity of the topic this evening.

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We have five topics, the first one being dog domestication, which will address the coevolution process we had with dogs and how it has come to training with the research question of 'To what extent dogs have become tailored to humans using dog training?'. The second topic is dogs and mental health, which got inspired by the recent lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and its correlation with the rising mental illness rate. Since dogs are becoming social partners rather than simple pets, It aims to answer the question of dogs can replace human relationships and will mainly focus on how dogs can assist people with their mental health. The third topic is non-domestic animal-human relations, which addresses the ongoing conflict. How it is crucial for humans to change the mindset of conflict into coexistence proposes a potential future approach on how to achieve this. The fourth topic is the perception and relationship with animals, explaining the different relationships with animals today and throughout history, aiming to understand our current perception of animals in the western world. Lastly, the fifth topic is the coronavirus and animal-human relationships, taking into account the limited time since the coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing and its recent poorly researched consequence. Which will have a split focus on domestic and non-domestic animals as the effects of covid-19 reach both differently.

Overall, throughout this project, the students got to research and studied different aspects of the complex relationship between humans and animals and looked at different views. The research helped us understand how the perception of animals has evolved and how it can affect our mental health. It also allowed us to gain more knowledge on a very recent topic which is now very much affecting our lives, COVID-19. Lastly, we learned more about the relationship between humans and wildlife and got a better understanding of what its future could be.