Secret Groningen

Student Drinking

Do all of us students have a secret alcohol problem?

We aimed to gain insight into the student drinking culture in Groningen. Have a look at the magazine we created for you and join us in an open conversation about alcohol and well-being!

Youth Criminality

For our research as part of the Secret Groningen project, we decided to look at youth criminality in Groningen. We compared knowledge of citizens and individuals with an expertise in the field of youth crime, to see how much and what is known about this topic by the general public, and how much of that is confirmed by people who work in this specific field. With this we want to shed a light on the youth criminality situation in Groningen. When listening to our podcast you will learn about the views of citizens and individuals with an expertise on the field of youth criminality, as well as about discrepancies between the two regarding youth crime in Groningen.

Dress to Impress?

We have investigated fashion norms in the Groninger student associations Vindicat and Ganymedes. Based on your fashion choices, are you a Vindicat or Ganymedes member? Click on the button below to find out!

Grote Markt: past vs present

In this project we have discovered the secrets that lie in the parts of Groningen that we walk past everyday. To do this we decided to investigate one of the most central parts of the city, both geographically and historically: the Grote Markt. This square has played a significant part of Groningen’s history. Yet, we were certain that there are many interesting stories about this area that are unknown to the general public. For our project we wanted to unveil these stories and share them by studying the changes that have happened during the past 80 years, since WWII, and how they have influenced the lives of people.

Party Drugs

Welcome to this special edition of the Secret Groningen Podcast! In this podcast, we will host two experts who have researched the Groninger party drug culture among students. Do you think there exists a gap between the current drug policy and what is actually taking place at the party scene itself? To find out more about their interesting results, please click on the link below and listen to our podcast!


For the past few months, we interviewed people who work at the VNN (i.g. Groninger Drug Test Service) and Paradigm to see what their attitudes towards xtc users are and how they perceive this inconsistency and how it can be tightened in the future.Sounds interesting? Then please listen to our podcast if you want to know more about.../ If you want to know more about our research and the results, you are more than welcome to listen to our podcast.

Coronavirus perception in Groningen and Racism

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Only 71 days after the first report, WHO characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. As the epidemic spreads around the globe, cases of Asians or Asian descendants being targeted for discrimination were reported due to the fact that the virus was first detected in an East Asian country. Our group decided to investigate people's recognition of COVID-19, especially those who live in Groningen, the Netherlands. Our goal of this project is to draw a line between protecting self and having prejudice against certain groups of people during the Corona crisis.