Narratives in Conflict

Narratives in conflict

As individuals, communities, and nations we make sense of events with narratives. When our narratives are in conflict, the result can be personal alienation, social oppression, even war. While research methods like oral history and documentary cannot resolve conflicts, they can help clarify conflicting voices. With clarity, the search for truth can begin. This project made use of oral history and documentary methods to gather, analyze, and present different conflicting narratives.


Welcome to Stories of Failure, a podcast that celebrates you, your story and your experience with the things that haven’t gone right in your life. In our podcast, we ask our guests to share their stories with us. Together with them, we discuss the meaning, the impact, the stigma and, most importantly, how failure can help us grow and ultimately succeed in life.

This is our podcast. Enjoy the journey.


War or Peas?

Within our project, we provide a nuanced look into the contentious nature of food and identity. The food in question is Hummus, and we made a storybook in order to present the readers a similarly confusing journey through the world of Hummus as we also experienced. The contents of our story is based on, and extracted from, a multitude of interviews conducted with people from various parts of the world with a strong Hummus presence as well as academic literature and media sources. It handles different aspects and features of the conflicts and unifications that are generated or symbolized by Hummus.

Sisi’s Cities

Egypt is no stranger to Megaprojects. For six-thousand years, Pharaohs and Dictators have been building enormous projects as monuments to their power. Despite this, the most consequential projects in Egyptian history are near completion as you read this. My project is about the politics, projects and people reshaping Egyptian society today. The story of a military counter-revolution, a megacity of 24 million people, a New Capital to replace that megacity and Egypt's "gift to the world" is told over footage retrieved from state propaganda outlets, citizen journalism, archives and various other media sources.

Lockdown in 60

In a matter of days, in all corners of the world, individuals have found themselves in physical isolation. We created this project during the COVID 19 crisis hoping that through sharing and listening to each other’s stories, physical isolation would not mean emotional isolation. Our hope was that people could be in solidarity with each other through the crisis, whilst respecting and learning from our diversity of experiences.

We drew on narrative research and oral history techniques to track individual experiences throughout the lockdown. We constructed the final deliverables to let the interviewees simply tell the story themselves, on video, shot on smartphones. We followed up with one-on-one interviews with participants and our Instagram followers, in order to measure the impact of the project.

Life Narratives

Our aim was to find out if there is an internal conflict created by the difference between how people imagine their life to be ideally and the lives they actually lead.

We had an ambition to create a space to share and reflect on this topic of ideal expectations in hopes of destigmatizing and normalizing such conversations.

For this purpose we created this book which contains a collection of twelve interviews with people of all ages, in order to provide an overview of how age might shape views on people’s lives and ideals.

The Catalan Pursuit of Independence: A Narrative-Based Research project

Our project is a narrative-based analysis of the Catalan Independence narrative. We have combined interviews of Catalan people with scholarly research on the conflict to identify the building blocks of the narrative which underlies the perception and understanding of this modern-day conflict.


A collection of poems in which interviewees tell their story of the former East German state and its implications in the present.