Sustainable Planet

Sustainable Planet

The world shows the signs of falling apart, but there is still time to get together and influence the future. Collaboration among individuals and across disciplines is key if we are to meet these challenges. To understand how contemporary problems can be addressed, we are inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aim “to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people embrace peace and prosperity by 2030.” We have explored readily available knowledge throughout Groningen and beyond and have created science-based proposals that can meet these problems, coming up with solutions that are economically, socially, and environmentally sound.

Gender Inequality

We have chosen to work on gender inequality but we’re aware this is very broad to tackle. Therefore, we’ve stressed our focus to prominent examples (eg. wage gap, mental & physical abuse) of gender inequality on a global scale. Our prototype is a website on gender inequality, including official data and individual stories on the topic. The website will also include a video with all of our stories and present reasons why we decided to pursue this project. We expect our website to spread awareness and educate people about the global gender inequality crisis.

Green Rooftops

City growth and urbanization have a big impact on our ecosystem and its biodiversity. As a result of human modification, the world is losing biodiversity in urbanised areas at an alarming state. This brings along habitat degradation and the loss of variety of many species. Our aim is to encourage you to take concrete action within your own household by installing green areas on your rooftops, focusing on possibilities and opportunities for interested residents in groningen. Our site provides practical information on the installation of green rooftops through entertaining and empowering videos and instructions.

Victory Gardens

The goal of our project, Victory Gardens, is to inspire people to garden more, wherever they can and with no previous experience required. We found that this is not only beneficial for the environment, but also for your mental health. To do so, we created a site where we share tips and tricks, reasons to garden and much more. The people who participate get rewards for their (little) garden victories. This is to stimulate and encourage gardening in these weird times.

The buddy system

Tackling SDG 3, health and well-being, we have come up with a tool to motivate and help people achieve goals. The concept is a group with max. 7 people, who publicly announce the daily goals they want to achieve every day, and reflect at the end of the day. We promote good health and well-being. We call it a buddy system because you have a system to fall back on, with people who support, encourage and motivate you to achieve goals you set for yourself.

Tasty Bugs

Our project is about finding sustainable ways to feed the world. Insects are enjoyed in some parts of the world already, but this is the time to bring them to a bigger success especially in the Western world. Our prototype is a campaign website to present information about the possibilities which insects can provide for a more sustainable world. We are also looking to meet these sustainable development goals: "Responsible consumption and production", "climate action" and "zero hunger". Hopefully, the information we provide will help make a change in some of your consumption of food.

Rainwater Collection System in the Favela’s

The goal of our project is to provide a solution for the lack of water in the favela’s, particularly in Rio de Janeiro. We designed a water collection and filtration system that can be built by the residents. It is low-cost and designed to fit in between the narrow places between the densely built favela’s. It can be adapted to the needs of the user.