Pier of Holwerd

Why change the pier of Holwerd?

  • To reduce dredging costs...

  • To provide a reliable transit to Ameland...

  • But also a chance to provide socio-economic opportunities!

Our solution

Pillar 1: functionality

First off the solution calls for the placement and form of the pier. In this pillar the discussion will focus on the socio-economic and environmental influences that this placement and form will have on the region, and why this outcome was chosen as a suitable solution for the new pier vision.

Pier of Scheveningen

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The chosen solution for the new vision of the pier of Holwerd is to, first of all, keep the pier in Holwerd. This not only creates socio-economic opportunities for the region but also reduces pollution by construction as no new pier has to be built. Secondly, an extension of the pier on pillars is proposed, comparable to the pier in Scheveningen. By putting the pier on pillars the pier provides minimal impact on the environment while still reducing costs in dredging and providing reliable transit.

Pillar 2: multifunctionality

Secondly the solution provides features that increase the appeal of the pier to people not only their for transit, but also the pier itself. This creates recreational and economic opportunities, bringing attention to both the importance of the Wadden area and what the region of Holwerd has to offer.


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Wooden footpaths and bird watching towers

Calling all bird-watchers and nature enthusiasts, stroll and pause to admire the surroundings .


Redesigning the old parking space to create a beautiful visitors centre.


The opportunity to learn why the salt marshes are so important and what else is great about the Wadden Sea.

Sustainable restaurant

When hungry, this is the place to have a bite.

Vertical garden

Creating a sense of nature, even on concrete walls.


Enjoy a walk through the area and learn about the nature around the pier from experts.


An opportunity for kids to have simple, outdoor fun.

sun train

In order to get from the new parking spaces to the ferry in a sustainable fashion sun trains will be available.


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Vegetated dike

Instead of the concrete blocks on the side of the pier, it will look green from the salt marsh plants.

Pole hulas

The pillars of the pier become a habitat for blue mussels and seaweed.

Vegetated swales

It makes the pier more green, but also works as a drain in case of flooding.

Light under the pier

To encourage fish passage under the pier, the shade of the pier should be minimized.