
The Best possible words in the Best possible order.

term 3 W7 -

WALT deliberately using written language features (e.g., rhetorical questions and metaphors) and visual language features to engage the audience and/or convey meaning

term 3 W6 Home learning -

WALT choose the most appropriate voice to best suit the purpose and audience

Thursday task:

Task 1 Write a blogpost / google doc about ….

The theme is most embarassing moment at school.

Purpose: choose the most appropriate voice to tell your story, will you recount? Narrate? Describe? Explain? instruct?

Audience: peers. Who are you writing for?

Wednesday task


Monday: Task: Write a blogpost about how you are feeling about being back in Level 3 lockdown

Purpose: Narrate

Audience: peers, whanau that is not in Auckland

Monday writing topic

Task 1 Write a blogpost google doc about why intermediate children should vote

Purpose: persuade

Audience: peers or adults

Learning intention: persuading my audience through presentation of relevant points and supporting evidence

Read the article a Y8 student.

You can use as much or as little of the model text as you want.

Model text:

Kiwikidsnews article- Election

Grownups can be so mean. Have you seen the news? The National and Labour parties are throwing hurtful words at each other in an attempt to be the next ruling party in New Zealand. Now if you’re asking me, I think that is rather childish. In school we are taught to be respectful of each other's views, not everyone can be a winner.

term 3 W5 Home learning -

WALT using language that is appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose

Friday writing topic

Task 1 Write a blogpost about anything. Your choice

Purpose: Narrative

Audience: peers

Model text: my choice is a note of thanks

Audience: Students

Thank you. Thank you Room 7 for your hard work this week. Its not always easy being at home doing online learning. I miss you all, I miss our classroom. I miss the other teacher's and students. I know we will get back to school eventually again, but thank you to all that show up to our meets and complete their tasks. It is a strange new world and you have shown great resilience in coping with these changes.

Look at the picture of my 11 month old getting ready for his learning one day which may be in a digital world.

Model text

When I am asked about what my favourite things are the song from the Sound of music comes to mind. For me I enjoy music, my favourite songs are Cranberries-Linger. Savage Garden-Truly, madly, deeply. Yes, I know my song choices are a little dated but they remind me of a simpler time.

Thursday writing topic

Task 1 Write a blogpost about your favourite things

Purpose: Describe

Audience: peers

Monday: Model text (edited)

Can you believe it?! I will be stuck at home with the kids 24/7 again.

Our Prime minister announced it while we were sleeping. I was terrified when I found out. Especially because I had not seen my students since Monday.


term 3 W1 - WALT:





term 2 W11

Informal letter