Term 3 W6 Home learning

WALT using their growing academic and content-specific vocabulary to understand texts

Monday reading tasks

Task 1- Read through the transcript “Can science explain the origin of life?”

Task 2- Follow the instruction on this document.

Task 3- Create a mind map of your findings. You can do it on paper or try this site

Copy your mindmap to be shared with your teacher.

Tuesday Reading comprehension

Finding facts make a copy and complete

Wk6 5-03 Finding facts- Tell me how

Monday reading tasks

Task 1- Read through the transcript “Can science explain the origin of life?”

Task 2- Follow the instruction on this document.

Task 3- Create a mind map of your findings. You can do it on paper or try this site

Copy your mindmap to be shared with your teacher.

Monday Reading comprehension

Persuasion make a copy and complete

T3 WK 6 7-44 Persuasion- Earth First C&WE7

Term 3 W5 Home learning

WALT using your prior knowledge, along with information in the text, to complete the text

Friday Task

Word wheel activity

Wednesday, Thursdays reading tasks

Task 1- Read through the transcript “Can science explain the origin of life?”

Task 2- Follow the instruction on this document.

Task 3- Create a mind map of your findings. You can do it on paper or try this site

Copy your mindmap to be shared with your teacher.

Please complete the remaining assigned tasks.

Tuesday 18 August 2020 -

Please make a copy and complete this reading exercise.

WK 5 T 3 Tues 04 Tutankhamun: Cloze Rdg - middle

Home learning: Would you recommend this book?

  • Read a book from the library and copy and complete the book review document --------v

Book Review

Monday 17 August 2020 -

Please make a copy and complete this reading exercise.

Wk 5T3 03 Traffic Problems: Cloze Rdg - Middle

Home learning: Would you recommend this book?

  • Read a book from the library and copy and complete the book review document -------->

Book Review

Term 1