Joining the academic conversation

This is the 2019 conference website. The 2020 conference will be on 8 & 9 October...

Watch this space!

Join the Postgraduate Conference and share your work. This is a great opportunity for all Rhodes University researchers, Honours, Master's and Doctoral scholars to share their work. We'd love postdoctoral fellows and RU staff to present their work, too!

See the draft programme here







Does your research make a “contribution at the frontiers of a discipline or field”? (HESQSF 2012)

Does your research contribute to the creation of a more equitable, respectful and just society for everyone?

Join the conversation at the PG Conference.

Tell us about your work, wherever you are on your research journey

Important dates:

  • Workshop on abstract writing and tips on conference presentations - 25 July 4pm-6pm Barratt 2 - Join us!
  • Abstract submission closes - 16 August
  • Registration closes - 16 August
  • Conference - 22 & 23 August