the teacher

The benefits of exercise and activity cannot be overstated.  To understand more about my philosophy, it is important understand why Physical Education is important for school-aged students as summarized by NASPE (National Association for Sport and Physical Education) which include skill development, improved physical fitness, stress reduction, cooperation, and goal setting.  Giving students exposure to a plethora of games and activities will increase the chances that they find an activity that they will participate in for a lifetime.  The current statistics and data about the health of our nation is alarming.  The fact that our current generation will not outlive our parents shows that physical activity and movement need to be stressed.  As educators, we must promote a sound mind and sound body.  I encourage our students to be active both in and out of school.  Please check out the intramural page to enroll your child in some of our program offerings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or call 610-627-6846.