Whale Heroes

Come on a journey to learn about whales in the Gulf of Maine, and how we can help them every day.

Here is a link to a survey your family can help you fill out.

How is a whale like a bird?

Whales are amazing singers!

Watch a part- or all- of this video : Relaxing Moments With Singing Whales

Take some deep breaths and enjoy the whale songs and a mother and her baby humpback whale floating together.

Watch this video from minute 3-5 for a shorter experience.


I made a padlet for us to chat about whales. After watching the singing whale video, hop on here and share your thoughts. When you click on the whale photo, you will see a square with an arrow, select it to open the padlet.

Hi whale heroes! This week we are going to think about the question, "What is a whale?" What do you know about whales?

This is a link to a video of a teacher reading a book about whales. Watch this read-aloud two times.


The first time, just watch and think about whales. Then, grab a pencil and some paper and as you watch the second time, pause the video a few times and take notes.

For kindergarten students, write one or two sentences about whales. If you want to use a sentence frame, you can use, "Whales can _______." or "I can see whales ______." Then you can draw a picture of a whale. Use the pictures on pages 20 and 21 to help you. You can add LABELS to your drawing too.

For first graders and second graders, make a 3-2-1 sheet.

Write 3 interesting facts you learned about whales.

2 important words about whales

1 drawing about whales with a sentence to go with it.

Hint- Use the pictures on pages 20 and 21 to help you. You can add LABELS to your drawing too.

The book featured in the video is called Whales, by Kate Riggs. It is in Epic- so you can go in and look through the book and read it by yourself!

Emma used this tutorial to draw her beautiful whale! http://www.viewpure.com/Wok5kGn2V14?start=0&end=0

Watch the video below to learn about whales in the Gulf of Maine- then be sure to tell your teacher which is your favorite whale!

Watch this video about how to do a simple waste audit at home. Hint- this is how you can help our friends the whales!

This is an amazing, true story of a whale rescue.

As whale heroes this week, we are thinking about the problems whales are facing in the ocean, and how we can help. One problem is marine debris. You will see in this story how one whale got so tangled up she couldn't move.

Listen to the author tell the story, and read her book. As you are listening to this story, think about how the whale is feeling. Think about how James is feeling. At the end, the author asks you to think about what the whale did at the end of the story. Do you think the whale was thanking the divers? Why or why not.

Enjoy this beautiful story, and get your kleenex ready in case you have a few tears- I did!!


You've gathered data about paper and plastic drink containers. Now what? Learn easy ways to reduce your use of these items, save money and help whales!


Here is a video made by students!

Click on the open in new tab to view.

"Ways You Can Help"

Do you want to know if you can recycle to-go cups? Watch this fun video to learn the answer.

The video was filmed in Australia, so when you hear the speaker talk about the bin, he means trash can.

Watch the video above about to-go cups- then take the whale heroes post survey. Thank you for being a whale hero!!

Whale Heroes Post Survey 🔝