
Altered Print

Very difficult to distinguish but it is a picture of me with photo credits to Chivi P. We decided to make use of the golden hour "Jesus Light" one day after school and headed into the woods to capture some woodland portraits. Gist? It looks pretty good. The effect I was trying to recreate is the paint spill when it runs down and the face is exposed but it begins to fade or become these drips of paint. Of course, that did not work. I think it looks more like a camouflage for hunters with the rounded lines and foliage in the background.

Altered Negative

Looking cool eh? I be liking those double or triple exposures because it's a whole other form of photography. The coolest thing about it is being able to retain some details and mask out others that creates a very surreal picture. It's almost saying "which ones the real picture?" But that was the thing I was going for. my head silhouette with the trees because I like forests and the camera lens because I like being out in the forest with a camera. The coolest thing about this was developing the facial features and the things in front but then letting the developing juice run down the paper to cause these streaks which looks super cool. A combination of altered negative and altered print.

Colored Print

So, I have no ideer what to tell you. I chose red and blue because they are complimentary colors and the outfit seems to compliment the hipster style he's got going on. Match that with a vintage full've got yourself a hipster for sure. I think the coolest thing about the photo is the very shallow depth of field. The outlining of the subject really separates it from the background almost like a 3D movie where the edges have this halo-ing when you don't have the glasses on but then seem to pop out at you when you put the glasses on. I like the overall balance of the composition because there isn't very much going on.

Historical Portrait

Wow that is dark. I think I should make another print. So historical portrait eh? I didn't read the fine print of it having to be a painting. Still, I got a historical portrait recreation. Ansel Adams had this portrait with some window lighting with the gray background and stuff. I like the moody backdrop in my photo where Chivi is looking to the right as Ansel is. I was really trying to get the facial features silhouetted to give it that very dramatic look. It looked better in digital but the whole point of this is not to get it perfect the first time because it's controlled. If I was on a shoot in British Columbia, then of course, I would not want to make a single mistake so getting it perfect the first time on a once in a lifetime shoot is surefire. But that's just how we learn: experimentationes and redoing the same process until it has been engraved into ye head where your hands know what they're doing when you look away.

Reflective Portrait

Yes, Reflective indeed. So, I like cameras and optics and light bending and light refraction and all that in case you didn't know. This was no different. It's very interesting to me how some surfaces can reflect light like a bouncy ball. This was no exception. I took this picture of the 70-200 because it's such a fancy piece of glass and having one in my possession is like...holy turd. So, to smack together some of my things, I have my head silhouette and the twees in the background because twees. Developing this in the dahkroom was a pain because there is very low dynamic range so the background was completely burnt out were the lens element can't just barely be seen. So, I had to balance it out with some HDR where you expose for the sky and then expose for the shadows. You print them out on transparency sheets and boom, dynamic range.

Family AeroDynamics

Well you know, we all have our stories. For my family, it's a journey from 8,000 miles away. In this photo, I wanted to capture the hurry from Gate C to pickup. The tall guy is my daddy-o, the shorter guy is my bruddah, and the guy over there is my uncle (supposedly speaking) at the airport to pick them up. The prominent dudes of the family (not sexist or anyfing just a symbolism of leadership). As you can see, they are towing some suitcases like a "pack your bags and go" situation. They have made from there to here with all of their goodies to start a new life.


Get it? RelationSHIPS? Hahaha yeah I know...I decided to hop down to the waterfront because it's where I am most chilled; literally and mentally. The relationships here is boat is to water as car is to tarmac. Fun fun. The reflection of the boats in the water gets me the most because the boats are crispy sharp but then slightly distorted in the water.


This a yuge conflict here in the 21st Century where these kids are always running around on their phones. But then once they run out of juice, they frantically search for a Supercharging Station. It's not much of a conflict, it's more like a teenagers worst nightmare. Kids these days...

Here's What I Think (if my opinion matters): I for sure could have done a better job with this assignment knowing my capabilities. I have tend to shifted towards a very simple, minimalist type of lifestyle and it may just come across in my photos or work. Sometimes, "Simple is the most elegant form of Sophistication."