Still Life

The subject of this image is showing separation. The setting of this image is a bunch of different things that represent everyone in family. I put everything on the wood floor of the house that I lived in until I was five. How the image was made was I took things from around the house that represented my family. But I set the image up to show separation. Why I choose to create this image was I wanted to show separation. Why I wanted to show separation is because my parents are getting a divorce. The elements that I used were value. The rules that I used were grouping. How I used grouping was I put everything into different groups. Where I used was I put things into groups. How my project evolved was that I took things that represented everyone in my family and put them into groups. The meaning behind the image is that my parents are getting divorced and I wanted to show that in a picture. An to show the hards times that I have been through. How this relates to my is that it is showing my life in a picture.