Photography 1

Final Reflection

Final Reflection:

  • The photo above was my favorite picture that I have taken. Why I like this photo so much is because it is picture of my dad and what he does for living. An also I like how the sun is coming through the window. What I learned about this project is that taking really specific photos can be challenging. What was also hard was that my dad kept moving while I was trying to take the picture.
  • How this class has changed my way of think about photography is that photography is a lot hard then it looks. It looks so easy on online when other people take pictures. But when you go and actually try to take good pictures it is a lot more challenging then you think. It is difficult to take a really good photo. I have learned that it take patiences to take a really good photo. An I have learned that photography is not as easy as it looks.
  • Recommendations that I would make is to give students more time on projects. And also to give more detail on how to do things.