Resource Links

Academic Resources:

RSU 13 Standards:

Common Core State Standards:

Maine Department of Education - Standards

Elk Grove Writing Rubrics:

  • Common Core Standards aligned writing rubrics in the following areas:
    • K-6 Opinion/Argument Rubrics
    • K-6 Informational/Explanatory Rubrics
    • K-6 Narrative Rubrics
    • 7-12 Argument Rubrics
    • 7-12 Informational/Explanatory Rubrics
    • 7-12 Narrative Rubrics

English Language Arts Standards - Vertical Progressions (from the D.O.E.)

I Can Statement Resource (Elementary)

Maine's Early Learning and Development Guidelines:

  • A guide for all early childhood educators’ efforts to improve professional practice and programs for young children from the age of three until kindergarten entrance

Maine's Guiding Principles:

  • Essential component of Maine's Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction

Autism Resources:

Behavior Resources:

Of Note:

Tier 1 Resources:

Tier 2 Resources:

Tier 3 Resources:

Eligibility Resources:

Executive Functioning Skills Resources:

Extended School Year Services:

Growth Mindset Resources:

Response to Intervention Resources:

Social Work Resources:

Speech/Language Resources:


Evaluation Template:

Unique Situations