Tutoring Resources
Current On-Campus Tutoring Options
One of our Geometry teachers, Ms. Ouderkirk, has created a geometry website with multiple resources to help students be successful. Although the website isn't complete yet, there are several resources already available to help students be successful on day one. The website is in addition to the Envision resources provided by the district (interactive textbook, etc).
The webpage offers:
Video tutorials created by Mrs. Ouderkirk for every lesson (Topics 1-3 are available now). The videos are organized and labeled using specific lesson numbers & content information. Tutorials are also available via YouTube, search “Michelle Ouderkirk geometry.” Additional tutorials will be created and organized throughout the year.
Flashcards to help students learn terms, theorems, postulates, and concepts. Each topic will have a set of flashcards available. A tutorial video accompanies the flashcards and Mrs. Ouderkirk explains each card in detail.
Reference Sheets specifically created for Geometry students.
The New RRHS Geometry Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rrps.net/rrpsgeometry/home