RRE School Counselors

Sara Spradlin & Noora Jonaidi


The comprehensive counseling program at Rio Rancho Elementary School consists of advocating for students, supporting teachers and staff, and working collaboratively with parents to promote the academic achievement, personal/social growth, and career interests of every student.

Hello Students, Parents and Staff,

As your School Counselors, our goal is promoting the overall health of students, families and the community. I have a Master's degree in Counseling and Guidance with an emphasis in School Counseling. I love being a Roadrunner and look forward to working with our outstanding students, wonderful parents and amazing staff each day!

Our school counseling program is designed to address students' academic, personal/social, and career goals through classroom guidance curriculum, mediation training, small group, and short term individual counseling.

Classroom curriculum is a major focus of school counseling. We typically begin classroom lessons with team building activities, followed by empathy training, impulse control, problem solving and anger management. This year a major focus is teaching The Zones of Regulation! Learning the zones, or ways to name and regulate our feelings, will help us to understand and cooperate with others. We also include bullying prevention lessons to promote a positive school community. We lead several small groups, which may include helping new students adjust, forming friendships to improve social skills, boundaries and limit setting, and supporting students facing family changes.

In addition to classes and small groups, we also meet with individuals. Through sand play, artwork, toys, games, writing and/or talking out issues, we help students develop the skills to solve problems and resolve conflicts. Individual counseling is not intended to be the main focus of school counseling. If a student, parent or guardian requests continued ongoing therapeutic counseling services, we will share information for community providers.

Any student and/or parent is welcome to make an appointment to visit during the day. We try to always be a positive support to students, parents, and staff.

~ Sara Spradlin