Google Meet

Google Meet Expectations for Students and Parents/Guardians

Google Meet is the official video meeting platform that RRPS teachers use when hosting synchronous meetings with students.

Behavioral Expectations for Students

Students at all levels are now engaging in virtual class check-in sessions on Google Meet. To ensure a positive and productive learning environment during these sessions, it is important that all students adhere to the following behavioral expectations.

  • Always be respectful and courteous to other students and teachers during Google Meet virtual check-in sessions. Inappropriate, offensive or threatening comments; misrepresentation of identity, and/or disruptive behavior by any participants during Google Meet virtual check-in sessions will not be tolerated.

  • Students must use their RRPS email account to log into a Google Meet virtual check-in session.

  • Login credentials must not be shared. Sharing of login information violates other students’ and teachers’ rights to confidentiality, and could allow class participation by unauthorized persons and/or lead to disruptive behaviors that detract from a productive and positive learning environment.

  • Students who are disruptive and/or “trespass” Google Meet virtual check-in sessions will receive appropriate consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Consequences may result in temporary or permanent loss of technology access, which would prevent the student from participating in Google Meet virtual check-in sessions. Students receiving this consequence would have assignments provided to the student’s parent/guardian.

Privacy Guidelines for Parents/Guardians

To maintain a positive, productive learning environment and assure confidentiality for students and teachers during distance learning, all parents/guardians are asked to follow the following privacy guidelines.

  • Google Meet class sessions are designed for students. To prevent disruptions to the learning environment, parents/guardians should not actively participate in class sessions, although parents/guardians may assist their child with technology and/or remain nearby.

  • As per the RRPS Learning compact, do not video record, audio record, photograph, live stream, or transmit in any other way any part of a Google Meet virtual class session, including not posting on any social media platform.

  • Any confidential or personally identifiable information related to students participating during Google Meet virtual class sessions should not be collected, discussed or shared.

  • Parents/guardians should not engage with students during Google Meet virtual classes unless invited by the teacher. If you need to speak with your child during a virtual class session, first mute your child’s microphone and stay out of the view of the camera.

  • If a parent/guardian has a question, please email your child’s teacher, schedule a time to meet with the teacher, or call the teacher during designated office hours.

Parents/guardians should email your child’s principal with any questions or concerns regarding privacy or virtual classroom expectations. Thank you for your support and cooperation in ensuring that distance learning is a positive, productive and enjoyable experience for all participants


Will Google Meet be recorded?

Yes, teachers will record all synchronous interactions with students. When a teacher records a Google Meet, a video file is created in the teacher's Google Drive. This will provide an accurate record of the events of the meeting.

Will the Google Meet be shared?

No. Teachers will only share recordings of synchronous sessions with their students via Google Classroom and Google Drive. Teachers will share videos in a way that everyone will use their RRPS login to access and that access will be set to expire after certain amount of days.

Best practice is to share the lesson and not share student faces.