About Us

The Education Technology team at RRPS provides professional development and support to staff (individuals, small groups, entire facilities, and administration) with emphasis on the integration of technology into the curriculum in both classroom and lab settings with the goal of improving student achievement. The emphasis is on the use of technology as a learning tool. Ed Techs also coordinate and manage the use of technology to facilitate the collection, analysis, and processing of critical student assessment data.

The Education Technology Team maintains a large collection of digital and technological resources for students, staff and administrators that enhance the work environment and educational experiences.  The team can showcase a variety of technologies, conduct training and provide support at the school sites.  

Student/Parent Support

RRPS Student/Parent Online Learning Resources-Click here

App approval process at rrps

What is the deal with data privacy? 

Online privacy is more important than it has ever been.  It is imperative that we keep our students safe.

Laws that govern educators:

These laws apply to online sites, apps, and extensions used in the classroom.  Examples:  Brain Pop (site), Flipgrid (app), and Screencastify (extension).  

There is a free 45 minute online course for educators about student online privacy.  Please visit commonsense.org to review.  

Approval Process

Teachers first receive permission from their site administrators.   

Teachers can submit an Approval Form  (IT ticket)  to request any site, app or extension that they use with students, our app team  will review them for COPPA and FERPA compliance.  These are ONLY for the sites, apps, and extensions that require a student to login, or ones where student data must be uploaded.  

Before submitting a ticket, please check the RRPS Digital Resource Catalog (DRC) approval list to see If that app has already been approved or denied.  

Apps that are submitted are run through the RRPS App review rubric by our app approval team and they receive a score.  The app is either approved or denied, based on their compliance with federal law.  When there is a decision made, the application will be added to our DRC catalog. 

What does Approved and Approved with Caution mean?   Although applications may be approved to use, they are considered a 3rd party apps and not fully supported by RRPS. That means that teachers may choose to use these at their own risk but we are not authorized by these 3rd parties to work on tech problems that may arise while using them nor do we work with their tech support team.  We basically "white list" them to be used at RRPS.  That is the extent that we can troubleshoot these 3rd party applications.